Personal project - The Grass

The Grass 

From the perspective of blindness, 

the work combines sound and fabric to provide both an auditory and tactile experience.

Close your eyes to feel the wind in the air, the temperature, the chirping of birds.

There seems to be a huge space between humans and nature.

But never mind.

For the moment, enjoy the grass.

Material: Audio, Woolen thread


The project was inspired by my thoughts on the relationship between high-speed society and blindness. The congenitally blind do not have any images in their dreams, unlike normal people who can feel the memory of touch and sound of objects in their dreams. At the beginning of my work, I wondered whether the progress of civilization was an abandonment of the blind. After doing more detailed research, I realized that perhaps the beauty that blind people can feel is something that we cannot experience and that the ability to see maybe is a shackle on us. The work reflects the current state of society in contemporary culture, the ability of humans to feel does not seem to have progressed with civilization.


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